Friday, December 16, 2011

Our Virtural Crock-Pot Party

The tables is set!
 Our party went off well and all had a great time! Now we really didn't need to have the party, but I thought why not. Take some crock-pot recipes invite the family and have a nice before Christmas dinner, as this was part of my Christmas present to them. What fun! Lots of work and a few days of planning but worth it, thanks Ginger for inviting me to do this! I made this a Mexican feast night.
The Menu:
Spanish Rice
Tortilla chips
Bean Dip
Apple Cider
Pound Cake with Jello and Whip Cream

The Recipes:
Mulled Apple Cider
Chunky Pinto Bean Dip
Tex-Mex Beef Wraps (which we turned into chimachucas)
Streusel Pound Cake
Look for my recipes below this post, as I don't follow these exactly.

The Family:

Let's just say these are the members who didn't mind being in pictures!

Will be posting the recipes seperate with their pictures.

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